Zi-Ning Cui


Publisher :华南农业大学Release time:2022-09-26Number of views:11

Education & Experience

2004.9-2010.6        Ph.D., Pesticide Science, China Agricultural University & Chiba University, with Prof. Xinling Yang and Prof. Yoshihiro Nishida

2000.9-2004.7       B.S., Chemistry, China Agricultural University.with Prof. Xinling Yang and Prof. Yun Ling



·2016.7-present  Professorat South China Agricultural University

·2013.9-2016.6   Associate Professorat South China Agricultural University

·2017.12-2018.12 Visiting Scholar at The Scripps Research Institute, California

(with Prof. Jin-Quan Yu)

·2017.6-2017.8  JSPS Invitation Fellow at Chiba University

(with Prof. Yoshihiro Nishida)

·2012.4-2013.8  JST Advanced Multi-Career Training Program for Postdoctoral Scholars at Chiba University (with Prof. Yoshihiro Nishida)

·2012.8-2012.11 Visiting Research Fellow at PekingUniversity

(with Prof. Ning Jiao)

·2010.8-2012.7  JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow at Chiba University

(with Prof. Yoshihiro Nishida)

·2008.6-2008.7   Summer School of “Biochemistry and Molecular Biology”, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Awards & Honors


·2021      Winner of Guangdong Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars

·2020      Excellent instructor of the first Jiangsu graduate precision plant protection scientific research innovation practice competition

·2020      100 Innovation Talents in Guangdong

·2017      State Scholarship Fund, China Scholarship Council

·2017      JSPS Invitational Fellowship (Short-term)

·2016      The 6th China Contribution Award (Innovative Research Group) of

Returned Overseas Chinese (All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese)

·2015      The Top Ten Innovative Research Groups at South China Agricultural University.

·2015      The Pearl River Science and Technology Nova

·2014      The Guangdong Provincial Key Talents of Thousand, Hundred, Ten Talents Cultivation Project

·2012      JST Postdoctoral Scholar, Japan Science and Technology Agency

·2010      JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

·2009      Scholarship of the President, ChinaAgriculturalUniversity (The most prestigious scholarship at CAU)

·2008     State Scholarship Fund, China Scholarship Council

·2006      Pesticide Science Scholarship, Beijing Pesticide Society

·2004      Pesticide Science Scholarship, Beijing Pesticide Society

·2004      Privilege to enter the Graduate program at ChinaAgriculturalUniversity, exempted from the admission test, and Full Tuition Scholarship, ChinaAgriculturalUniversity

·2004      Excellent Undergraduate Scholarship, China Agricultural University


Research Fields

Bioorganic Chemistry, Organic Synthesis and Pesticide Science①Design, synthesis and mechanism of inhibitors against pathogen-host cross communication system②Glycochemistry, design, synthesis and bioactivity of heterocyclic organic molecules③Design and synthesis of quorum sensing inhibitors.


Selected Publications


1 Ahmed,Wasim; Huang, Zi-Hao; Cui, Zi-Ning* Tang, Ri-Yuan*. Design and synthesis of unique thiazoloisoquinolinium thiolates and derivatives. Chin. Chem. Lett., 2021, 32(10), 3211-3214.
2 Tao-Shun Zhou#, Lulu He#, Jing He, Ao-Qi Du, Jin-Biao Yu, Ya-Sheng Li, Si-Jia Wang, Bin Wei*, Zi-Ning Cui*, Hong Wang*. Discovery of a series of 5-phenyl-2-furan derivatives containing 1,3-thiazole moiety as potent Escherichia coli β-glucuronidase inhibitors. Bioorganic Chemistry, 2021, 116, 105306.
3 Li, Ya-Sheng#; Mao, Shen#; Zhao, Dong-Sheng#; Wang, Can-Can; Zu, Dan; Yang, Xi; Zhang, Bo; Liu, Gui-Jun; Wang, Si-Jia; Bao, Xiao-Ze; Ye, Xin-Yi; Wei, Bin; Cui, Zi-Ning*; Chen, Jian-Wei*; Wang, Hong*. Rational Design of Newly Phenyl Thiophene (Pyridine) Derivatives as Chemosensitizer for Front-line Chemotherapy Agents and Overcomes P-glycoprotein Mediated MDR in MCF-7/ADR Cell. Bioorganic Chemistry, 2021, 114, 105075
4 He, Min#; Gu, Jingwen#; Li, Sicheng#; Xiang, Xuwen; Jiang, Shan; Cui, Zi-Ning*. Design, synthesis and fungicidal activities of phenazine-1-carboxamida conjugates of 1,3,4-thia(oxa)diazole. Chin. J. Pestic. Sci., 2021, 23(2), 287-295.
5 Li, Ya-Sheng#; He, Min#; Zhou,Tao-Shun; Wang, Qin; He, Lulu; Wang, Si-Jia; Hu, Bei; Wei, Bin*; Wang, Hong*; Cui, Zi-Ning*. 2,5-Disubstituted furan derivatives containing 1,3,4-thiadiazole moiety as potent α-glucosidase and E. coli β-glucuronidase inhibitors. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 2021, 216, 113336.
6 Li, Ya-Sheng#; Yang, Xi#; Zhao, Dong-Sheng#; Cai, Yue#; Huang, Zhi; Wu, Rui; Wang, Si-Jia; Liu, Gui-Jun; Wang, Jian; Bao, Xiao-Ze; Ye, Xin-Yi; Wei, Bin; Cui, Zi-Ning*; Wang, Hong*. Design, synthesis and bioactivity study on 5-phenylfuran derivatives as potent reversal agents against P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance in MCF-7/ADR cell. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 2021, 216, 113322.
7 Fan, Zhoulong; Zhao, Shuai; Liu, Tao; Shen, Peng-Xiang; Cui, Zi-Ning; Zhuang, Zhe; Shao, Qian; Chen, Jason S.; Ratnayake, Anokha S.; Flanagan, Mark E.; Kolmel, Dominik K.; Piotrowski, David W.; Richardson, Paul; Yu, Jin-Quan. Merging C(sp3)-H activation with DNA-encoding, Chemical Science, 2020, 11(45), 12282-12288
8 Yinuo Lin#, Wasim Ahmed#, Min He#, Xuwen Xiang, Riyuan Tang*, Zi-Ning Cui*. Synthesis and Bioactivity of Phenyl Substituted Furan and Oxazole Carboxylic Acid Derivatives as Potential PDE4 Inhibitors. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 2020, 207, 112795.
9 Tao-Shun Zhou#, Bin Wei#, Min He#, Ya-Sheng Li, Ya-Kun Wang, Si-Jia Wang, Jian-Wei Chen, Hua-Wei Zhang, Zi-Ning Cui*, Hong Wang*. Thiazolidin-2-cyanamides derivatives as novel potent Escherichia coli β-glucuronidase inhibitors and their structure-inhibitory activity relationships. J. Enzyme Inhib. Med. Chem., 2020, 35(1),1736-1742
10 Liao, Yixian; Ye, Yilu; Li, Sumei; Zhuang, Yilian; Chen, Liye; Chen, Jianxin; Cui, Zi-Ning; Huo, Lijian; Liu, Shuwen; Song, Gaopeng. Synthesis and SARs of dopamine derivatives as potential inhibitors of influenza virus PAN endonuclease. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 2020, 189, 112048.
11 Gao, Yong-Chao; Huang, Zi-Hao; Zhang, Zhao-Sheng; Xie, Jin-Xin; Cui, Zi-Ning*; Tang, Ri-Yuan*. Sulfite-Promoted C-H Fluoroalkyl Sulfuration of Imidazoheterocycles with Bromofluoroacetate and Elemental Sulfur. Synthesis, 2020, 52(17), 2541-2550.